Keith Wilson here’,
I have just got the river boat ready for the season and the thought passed my mind that I needed to relate what a great boat it has been.I have over 1000 hrs. of River running time including such rivers as the Gold /Stamp etc. [when it was legal as well as most of the wilder rivers off of the Skeena including the Gitnadoux/Exchamsiks etc.The Nass and Meziadin bring memories.
I have hauled 1500 lbs of fertilizer and 4 adults for a reseeding program on an Island in the back channels of the Fraser.I have run from Abbotsford to the upper Fraser canyon.On one occasion at full throttle I had a steering failure which whipped the boat around violently but there was never a feeling that it was going to dump.
Although I am careful as can be with the boat it has been put thru it’s paces. I have bought and sold 5 river boats since you built me this one but always come back to this boat.
It has not required one spec of repair to the hull/centercounsel/gas tank or any other structure on the boat.I have had only one small electrical problem due to a frayed wire and this is it’s 12th season.
If anyone needs a boat of this type then they must very carefully consider your boat. My friends have had other welded boats from the Island from other manufacturers that have had several issues including cracked welds, washboard bottoms etc- and they were not used anywhere near what my boat has been.
I guess this sort of turned out to be a testimonial and if so it is the first one I have ever written on anything. There is not a better boat out there but maybe I’m wasting time as anyone familiar with your boats already knows that. Feel free to share my thoughts with anyone,
‘ Keith